Two Little Love Bugs

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I must do the obligatory Easter Day post, since I've been slacking off lately....

Here we have a picture of the what the Easter Bunny gave the boys. You'll notice there isn't much there....

Earlier in the week, Patrick had gone shopping with Doane at Walmart. Later, Doane told me that Patrick had said something to the effect of "Dad, I know the Easter Bunny isn't real. It's just parents that go and buy the stuff, and put it out." Doane, being sneaky, said that HE didn't buy anything. Technically he wasn't lying, because I do it all. But it worked on Patrick, and he's still a believer.

Then the boys came downstairs and saw their stuff....

Patrick's comment upon seeing their "little" amount of stuff was "That's it? That's all the Easter Bunny brought?" The ungrateful little stinker! I wanted to tell him that the Easter Bunny was hit by the layoffs, also, and didn't have much money, either! Grr!

But the Easter Bunny was kind enough to deliver some goodies for Mom and Dad, just for good measure....

That bunny must know I'm a sucker for end-of-the-world movies!


Jess said...

Cute picture of the boys :)

Mindy said...

I loved Patrick's comment! We have heard that a couple of times ourselves.